To establish Integrated health and nutrition management

To help reduce the morbidity and mortality rate of infants and young children due to diarrhea while helping family welfare programs

Develop monitoring system with village level data based in Child growth

To reduce prevalence of malnutrition of children under 5 to less than 10%

To improve child and maternal health in communities struggling with poverty, infectious diseases, lack of access to health services, and newly emerging chronic diseases

To undertake health and hygiene promotional activities, including setting up of healthcare centers

Food distribution for the IDPs

To organize, promote and operationalize Gannaane organization public toilets for large scale use in the country so that anyone have access to safe and dignified use of toilet facilities

Networking, Partnership and cooperation

To Apply, demonstrate and extend the results of research and developmental efforts through workshops, campaigns, papers, brochures, seminars, training programmers, other sanitation related etc

To continue emergency water supply until sustainable alternatives are restored

Strengthen sub-national coordination, preparedness and early-warning mechanisms in close cooperation with local Municipal, health authority, and NGO counterparts

To Support and strengthen community-led processes

To Provide WASH-related NFIs including soap, culturally acceptable sanitary items, and locally produced water containers to the maximum extent feasible in close cooperation with other NFI distributions (e.g. by Shelter).